1) Cup of Coffee a Day Keeps the Reaper Away

Americans drink about four hundred million cups of coffee per day and new research suggests our love might be rewarded.
미국인들은 매일 약 4억잔의 커피를 마십니다. 그리고 새로운 연구는 우리의 사랑이 보상을 받을 것이라 합니다.

Coffee drinking may actually lower the odds of having a stroke.
커피를 마시는 것은 사실 뇌졸중의 확률을 낮출 수 있습니다.

Researchers in Great Britain tracked nearly 23,000 people who were healthy at the start of the study.
영국의 연구원들은 그 연구가 시작할 당시 건강했떤 2만 3천명의 사람들을 추적했습니다.

Over the next eleven years, people who consumed coffee, were twenty-seven percent less likely to experience a stroke than those who did not drink coffee even after accounting for other lifestyle habits such as smoking, exercise, and tea drinking.
그 이후 12년 동안 커피를 마셨던 사람들은 흡연, 운동 그리고 차를 마시는 것과 같은 다른 생활양식의 습관(건강에 영향을 주는)들이 설명이 된 후에도 커피를 마시지 않는 사람들보다 27퍼센트 덜 심장 발작을 경험하는 것 같았습니다.

Decaffeinated coffee appeared to offer the same benefits, so doctors say it's not caffeine that is causing the reduction in death risk.
카페인이 없는 커피도 같은 이득을 주는 것으로 나타났습니다. 그래서 의사들은 죽음의 위험을 줄이는 것이 카페인이 아니라고 말한다.

They suspect the anti-oxidants in coffee could lower inflammation in blood vessels, but more study is needed to confirm this.
그들은 아마도 커피의 산화(노화)방지제가 혈관 염을 낮출 수 있다고 생각하지만, 이것을 확인하기 위해서는 더 많은 연구가필요하다고 합니다.

In the meantime, experts say people shouldn’ t start drinking coffee to help their circulation and they warn that too much caffeine can cause insomnia and heart palpitations.
한편, 전문가들은 사람들이 순환을 돕기 위해 커피 마시는 것을 시작할 필요는 없다고 하며 너무나 많은 카페인은 불면증과 심장 두근거림의 원인이 될 수 있다고 경고합니다.

But for those who are already coffee lovers it appears its bottoms up!
하지만 이미 커피를 사랑하는 사람들에게는 그것이 "마셔요!"로 보이네요.
With this medical minute, l' m Dr. Timothy Johnson.


1) something is to hapen as the odds that it will happen.
- the odds(chances) are fifty-fifty.
2) strange or unusual
3) of different kinds or types
4) not matched or paired with another thing or perrson


suspect: 의심하다, 혐의자, 의심스러운

1) to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something worong
- He's suspected in fur burglaries.

anti-oxidant : 항산화

inflammation : (신체 부위의) 염증

vessel : 그릇, 용기
blood vessel : 혈관

palpitation : 가슴이 두근거림, (심장의) 고동

  • When

in the meantime : 한편, 그 사이에
Bottoms up : 건배, 쭉 마셔요!

Americans drink about four hundred million cups of coffee per day and new research suggests our love might be rewarded.

Coffee drinking may actually lower the odds of having a stroke.

Researchers in Great Britain tracked nearly 23,000 people who were healthy at the start of the study.

Over the next eleven years, people who consumed coffee, were twenty-seven percent less likely to experience a stroke than those who did not drink coffee even after accounting for other lifestyle habits such as smoking, exercise, and tea drinking.

Decaffeinated coffee appeared to offer the same benefits, so doctors say it’ s not caffeine that is causing the reduction in death risk.

They suspect the anti-oxidants in coffee could lower inflammation in blood vessels, but more study is needed to confirm this.

In the meantime, experts say people shouldn’ t start drinking coffee to help their circulation and they warn that too much caffeine can cause insomnia and heart palpitations.

But for those who are already coffee lovers it appears its bottoms up!

With this medical minute, l' m Dr. Timothy Johnson.

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