2) Man Arrested Over Failed NYC Car Bomb

2. Man Arrested Over Failed NYC Car Bomb

A man is appearing in court accused of driving a failed car bomb into New York's, Time Square at the weekend.
지난 주말 뉴욕의 타임스퀘어에서 자동차 폭탄 테러 미수혐의로 기소된 남자가 법정에 섰습니다.

Faisal Shahzad, a U.S. citizen, born in Pakistan, was arrested on Monday night as he tried to board a flight out of the country.
파키스탄에서 태어난 미국인인 Faisal Shahzad는 지난 월요일 밤, 국외로 도주하기 위해 비행기를 타려 시도하던 중 체포 되었습니다.

A car containing a bomb made from fertilizer, fireworks, petrol, and propane gas tanks was left in an area packed with tourists on Saturday.
토요일에 비료, 불꽃장치, 휘발유 그리고 프로판 가스 탱크로 구성된 폭탄을 담고 있었던 자동차가 관광객들로 꽉 차 있던 지역에 남겨져 있엇습니다.

The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, was in no doubt as to its purpose.
미국의 법무장관인 Eric Holder이 말하기를 그 목적에 관한 한 명백하다고 합니다.

"We continue to pursue a number of leads, but it's clear, that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans."
"우리는 계속해서 지휘부를 쫓고 있습니다. 테러리스트의 행동 너머의 의도는 미국인들을 죽이는 것이 명백합니다."

Talk of a wider conspiracy was initially played down after claims of responsibility from the Pakistani Taliban.
파키스탄 탈레반으로부터 책임에 대한 주장 이후 좀더 폭넓은 음모에 대한 논의가 처음에는 과소평가 되었습니다.

But, investigators are now focusing on possible links between t he thirty-year-old suspect and the AI-Qaeda-linked militant group.
그러나 조사자들은 지금 30살의 용의자와 알 카에다 사이에 연결된 무장 단체가 연결되었을 가능성에 집중하고 있습니다.

A man is appearing in court accused of driving a failed car bomb into New York's, Time Square at the weekend.

Faisal Shahzad, a U.S. citizen, born in Pakistan, was arrested on Monday night as he tried to board a flight out of the country.

A car containing a bomb made from fertilizer, fireworks, petrol, and propane gas tanks was left in an area packed with tourists on Saturday.

The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, was in no doubt as to its purpose.

"We continue to pursue a number of leads, but it's clear, that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans."

Talk of a wider conspiracy was initially played down after claims of responsibility from the Pakistani Taliban.

But, investigators are now focusing on possible links between t he thirty-year-old suspect and the AI-Qaeda-linked militant group.

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