(600회) Korean children suffer from ALL WORK and NO PLAY
- English/시사영어
- 2024. 5. 19. 11:44
Korean children suffer from ALL WORK and NO PLAY
Roughly 50 percent of Korean children say they are severely stressed by the pres-sure to achieve high academic results, the highest figure among 30 developed nations around the world, according to a state-run institute.
roughly 대략 (=about, around, close to, approximately)
the pres-sure to achieve high academic results 성적 부담감
eveloped nation 선진국
a state-run institute 국책 연구소
*South Korea is infamous for its extreme emphasis on education, which often starts early. According to the Korea Consumer Agency, 41 percent of parents said their children started receiving private education before entering elementary school. *
infamous 악명 높은
extreme emphasis on education 과도한 교육열
split 쪼개다
side effect 부작용, 후유증
mind 인간, 사람
elementary school 초등학교
*On average, private education for elementary school students costs around 370,000 won ($328) per month. Experts are split on the effectiveness of early education. *
its extreme emphasis on education 과도한 교육열
private education 사교육
public education 공교육
Experts are split on ~ : ~에 대해 전문가들의 의견이 분분하다, 의견이 나누어져 있다 (= Experts are divided on ~)
according to a study, ~ = A study says (revelas, indicates, found) that ~
*But some experts like Ewha Womans University professor Lee Ki-sook warn about the possible side effects of academic pressure on young minds. *
Competitive job market
With the Korean economy still struggling to fully recover, college students in Korea find it increasingly hard to land decent jobs.
In these pictures, university students are studying hard to get themselves employed in this cut-throat job market.
land a decent job 좋은 일자리를 얻다, 좋은 직장에 취업하다
cut-throat 경쟁이 극도로 치열한 = extremely competitive
스펙을 쌓다 : build up qualifications required for employment
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