(605회) Quick food delivery favored part of Korean culture

Quick food delivery favored part of Korean culture

Koreans and foreigners alike often consider Korea’s best cultural aspect to be it squick and convenient food delivery service.

A and B alike A와 B 모두
cultural aspect 문화적 면모
convenience stores 편의점

Now a survey has backed this up.
한 설문조사가 이 점을 지지하고 있다

According to an online survey, a majority of both Korean and foreign respondents, 55 percent and 51 percent, respectively, agreed that the fast food delivery service was their favorite part of Korean culture.

a majority of 과반수 이상
respectively 각각

In second place came the late operating hours, with 21 percent of Koreans and 23 per­cent of foreigners stating that they enjoy the fact that many shops are open 24 hours a day.
늦은시간까지 영업시간이 두번째로 선호하는 한국 문화로 드러났다 / 21% 한국인, 외국인 23% 말하기로 / 24시간 내내 문을 열고 영업을 한다는 사실을 좋아하고 있다

The survey asked 308 Koreans what aspects of Korea they felt most pride in and 232 foreigners what they enjoyed most while visiting.
이 조사는 물어봤다 / 308한국인들이게 / 자신들이 가장 자랑하고 싶은 한국인의 면모가 무엇인지

back up 지지하다, ~을 뒷받침 하다 = support ~
respectively 각각 
food delivery 음식 배달 
convenient 편리한 (cf) 편의점 convenience stores 
24 hours a day = around the clock = 24/7 = 24시간 내내
take pride in ~: 자부심을 갖다, 자랑하다 = be proud of ~
penchant 애호, 기호 (He has a penchant for sports 스포츠를 매우 좋아한다)
cut corners 절차를 무시하다

Three mobile carriers plan joint app store

plan joint app store 공통으로 앱 스토어를 계획하고 있다

Mobile carriers in South Korea are stepping up their efforts to establish a joint mobile application market to challenge Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

KT, LG Uplus and SK Telecom’s subsidiary SK Planet said they had held a meeting with mobile app developers to discuss the “One Store project.”

The mobile subscribers of all carriers can download the apps from one market, called the One Store, which will open in May.

a joint mobile application market 공통의 모바일 앱 시장
carriers = mobile carriers 이동통신사업자
step up efforts 노력을 강화하다, 팔을 걷어붙이다 
establish 설립하다 
challenge ~에 도전하다 
subsidiary 자회사
subscriber 가입자


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